PART ONE: Appendix B - Extra Grammar Exercises



Part 8



# Question Answer
1 Our company is determining how to achieve its goals using Gap Analysis. Present Continuous
2 Our company had determined how to achieve its goals using Gap Analysis. Past Perfect
3 Our company has been determining how to achieve its goals using Gap Analysis. Present Perfect Continuous
4 Gap Analysis allowed our company to determine how to achieve our goals. Past Simple
5 Our company will have been determining how to achieve its goals using Gap Analysis. Future Perfect Continuous
6 Our company will be determining how to achieve its goals using Gap Analysis. Future Continuous


# Question Answer
1 We explained that we .......... a comprehensive procedure on how to address security flaws. Had considered
2 They wanted to go ahead with the plans but we told them that we .......... to rethink our strategy. Had just decided
3 They aren't joining us for the review because they .......... they need to finish their report by the end of today. Have just found out
4 They were late for the meeting because they .......... the day wrong. Had gotten
5 When it was suggested that we could improve on our security procedures, we told them that we .......... the key concerns they had. Had already addressed
6 .......... on a way forward before receiving the latest regulations? Had you already agreed


# Question Answer
1 How long ....... before they informed you of their decision? Had you been waiting
2 The team ...... a huge workload recently in preparation for the upcoming audit. Has been dealing with
3 They eventually found a solution to the production problem after they ...... all day. Had been investigating
4 They ...... tests continuously before they found the root of the problem. Had been running
5 Actually, we ...... that to happen for some time. And now it has! Have been expecting
6 We were told that some players ...... the problems for quite a long time before a solution was finally found. Had been experiencing


# Question Answer
1 .......... reconsider addressing the security flaws in the default configuration. We hoped you would
2 .......... if we could enable client hardware address checks to avoid spoofed packets. I was wondering
3 .......... you should reconsider the authentication method for SSH CLI access. I thought perhaps
4 .......... resolving the security flaws in the default configuration? Would you mind
5 .......... reviewing the information that we ask users to provide? Would you mind
6 .......... you could help me create an administrative account on the system. I thought perhaps


# Question Answer
1 .......... (you/give) the presentation at the same time tomorrow? Will you be giving
2 We .......... (hold) a meeting regarding this matter next week. Will be holding
3 I'm afraid we .......... (cover [negative form]) code editors in tomorrow's meeting. Won't be covering
4 I imagine we .......... (see) the benefits in no time now that the new rules are in place. Will be seeing
5 He .......... (highlight) the need for us to have a standard single code editor in this afternoon's presentation. Will be highlighting
6 .......... (they/discuss) this issue in tomorrow's coding standards meeting? Will they be discussing


# Question Answer
1 They ...... (FIND) it impossible unless they upgrade. Are going to find
2 She ...... (GIVE) us a full breakdown of all the issues in her presentation. Is going to give
3 You said you ...... (TAKE) a break after you’d finished those updates. Come on, let’s go for a coffee. Were going to take
4 I ...... (SIGN IN) immediately. Am going to sign in
5 I didn’t think I needed any help, but it’s more complicated than I thought. I ...... (NEED) it after all. Do you have a minute to help me? Am going to need
6 ...... (BE) a late night unless we focus on solving this. It's going to be



# Question Answer
1 We .......... format our code as we prefer, as we are all experienced engineers. Can
2 We .......... easily revisit the idea once we had established the potential benefits. Could
3 Under no circumstances .......... we release new software without testing it. Can
4 We .......... revisit the idea once we’ve spent more time analysing the potential benefits. Will be able to
5 We .......... see all of the information because the debugging is not enabled. Cannot
6 We .......... finish before the deadline because the integration took longer than planned. Couldn't


# Question Answer
1 Do you need more help, or .......... finish the updates by Friday afternoon? Can you & will you be able to
2 The team’s experience meant they .......... complete the tasks easily. Could & were able to
3 I thought you said you had no experience with this particular software. Are you sure you .......... manage? Can
4 Despite having very little knowledge of the situation, she .......... understand the urgency in finding a solution. Was able to & could
5 .......... upgrade your phone, first? If so, there should be no problem with the new software. Are you able to
6 .......... give me an answer? They’re putting pressure on me to make a decision, but I need your answer first. Can you


# Question Answer
1 The IP address spoofing .......... have been used by network intruders to overcome network security measures. Might
2 We .......... be able to develop the necessary comprehensive procedure if we have enough time. Should
3 Password protection policies .......... be able to prevent unauthorized access to sensitive information. May & should
4 We .......... have been able to bypass network security measures with this method if we had tried earlier. Might
5 We have more than enough time to meet this deadline, so it really .......... be a problem. Won’t & shouldn’t
6 A mistake .......... have been made at an earlier point in the process. Might


# Question Answer
1 This report .......... by the end of tomorrow. Must be done
2 A stronger password .......... used. Should have been
3 We expect the installation .......... completed by then. Should be
4 The impact of the new antivirus solution .......... significant. Might be
5 The proxy setting .......... bypassed. Can't be
6 The latest updates .......... installed as soon as possible. Should be


# Question Answer
1 It’s not necessary to preserve the list after iterating. The list needn't be preserved after iterating.
2 It is necessary to solve the problem quickly. The problem needs solving quickly.
3 They have preserved the list but it was not necessary. They needn't have preserved the list.
4 It is important to reduce the memory usage. The memory usage needs reducing.
5 Those changes they have made weren’t really necessary. They needn't have made those changes.
6 The best idea is for our options to be reconsidered. Our options need to be reconsidered.



# Question Answer
1 I wasn’t expecting it to be so difficult. I really thought disabling the hardware keys could be done .......... . More easily
2 I wish I’d thought of this method .......... . It would’ve saved a lot of time. Sooner
3 I don’t think they anticipated just how bad the result would be. They should’ve taken the whole thing .......... . More seriously
4 It couldn’t have gone .......... . It was as bad as it could have been. Worse
5 They would’ve done much .......... if their planning stage had been extended as suggested. Better
6 If they’d worked any .........., they couldn’t have maintained the level of quality that was necessary. Faster


# Question Answer
1 This is completely new to me. I’ve .......... seen this error message before. Can you explain it, please? Never
2 Don’t you remember? We’ve definitely seen this .......... . Before
3 Maybe you’ve .......... seen it, but I’m sure I haven’t. Already
4 Well, it’s not that common, but it does pop up .......... . Occasionally
5 If you say so. You’re .......... right, I suppose. Usually
6 You’ve .......... said that ..........! Never & before


# Question Answer
1 Antivirus software installation should be much .......... (high) on the list of priorities .......... focusing on other software updates. Higher & than
2 When creating a new password, you must ensure that it is .......... (complex) .......... just resorting to a known word. More complex & than
3 There's a growing concern that the software we are using is .......... (vulnerable) to SQL injection .......... the recent version. More vulnerable & than
4 Ensuring the files containing customer data are encrypted beforehand is a much .......... (safe) way of sharing them .......... just sending them directly to our support team. Safer & than
5 The audit findings show that updating our backup procedures is much .......... (important) .......... anything else on our to-do list. More important & than
6 In the end, I believe refusing them access was simply .......... (convenient) .......... accommodating their requests. More convenient & than



# Question Answer
1 To avoid problems, we need to upgrade the system. To avoid problems, the system needs upgrading.
2 We should have compiled the libraries in a certain way. The libraries need compiling in a certain way.
3 We need to test the software before we release it. The software needs testing before it is released.
4 To avoid login failures, we need to increase the connection pool size. To avoid login failures, the connection pool size needs increasing.
5 We need to add the missing information to the log. The missing information needs adding to the log.
6 Engineers needed to build test cases for new features. Test cases needed building for the new features.


# Question Answer
1 I should be able to fix that for you right away. .......... . There's nothing to it
2 In the end, the configuration changes .......... . We wasted a lot of time. Did more harm than good
3 I was very pleased with the service I received. They solved the issue in no time. ........... . There was nothing to it
4 I wasn't convinced that they knew what they were doing. As the problem now seems worse, I think they probably .......... . Did more harm than good
5 In the end ........... . I expected it to be a lot more complicated. There was nothing to it
6 The way they were speaking to that customer has definitely ........... . Done more harm than good


# Question Answer
1 .......... us about your experience of data classification? How about telling
2 .......... we talk about the data classification later on today? Shall
3 .......... we be giving more time to tightening personal data security? Shouldn't
4 .......... discussing the issue further? How about
5 .......... the Critical Processes Management Procedure? How about
6 .......... consider a different approach? Shouldn't we


# Question Answer
1 I want you to investigate further. I'd like you to investigate further.
2 I want to know why we still haven't addressed the system vulnerabilities. I'd like to know why we still haven't addressed the system vulnerabilities.
3 It seems that the antivirus software installation was overlooked. I want you to look into this issue, please. It seems that the antivirus software installation was overlooked. I'd like you to look into this issue, please.
4 It appears that the antivirus software hasn't been installed. I want you to deal with this as a top priority. It appears that the antivirus software hasn't been installed. I'd like you to deal with this as a top priority.
5 The company wants to update the password policy. The company would like to update the password policy.
6 I want to remind you of the importance of following the clean desk policy. I'd like to remind you of the importance of following the clean desk policy.


# Question Answer
1 (knowledge, best, To, the, my, of) .......... all of the security tests have been carried out. To the best of my knowledge
2 (far, I, as, As, aware, am) .......... , the information was encrypted before being sent. As far as I am aware
3 (doubts, have, some, I) .......... over whether everything was fully compliant. I have some doubts
4 (sure, not, I, absolutely, am) .......... , but I believe everything went smoothly with the audit. I am not absolutely sure
5 He says that everything was fully compliant, but .......... (that, doesn't, afraid, right, I'm, me, to). I'm afraid that doesn't sound right to me
6 To be honest, .......... (certain, I’m, entirely, not, that’s, true). To be honest, I’m not entirely certain that’s true.